IAB MIXX kicks-off with the IAB b-roll and that kind of jammin' music that they use. Loud, but getting the audience ready. Randell Rothenberg takes the stage pumped and ready to kick-off Advertising Week in a big way. Digital took the C suite this year as digital natives headed up. This year, IAB announces a competition to find new interactive ad formats, go to www.iab.net/risingstars for details.
Seth Godin
People always want to talk about what's next, but you need to talk about what's now. 30 - 40 years ago, you were successful by placing as many ads as you can as many places as you could. TV marketing says i have the power to interrupt people everywhere they are. We're now in the revolution, are you going to join it? Everyones trying to get their own share of consumer, everyones trying to interrupt more people. Come up with col mascot. If that doesn't work, spam people. We don't get to do Mad Men any more.
Ideas that spread, win. The market for something to believe in is infinite -- Hugh MacLeod.
Internet is about connections. It's a connection machine. Marketing is now such a huge lever, that marketing should be running the company. If you're making a product that's boring, it's hard to find reasons to connect.
He started to talk about his idea of tribes, using the language of the Third Place. Suggesting that marketing should move to tribes. Chief Marketing Officer should be Chief Movement Officer.
Everything built on Henry Ford's model of replaceable parts and replaceable people. What replaces this model? Art. You go places because there's an experience created by people. It's getting harder and harder to sell copies of things at a premium price.
Competence in no longer a scarce commodity. School teaches us to be good at school, but we don't do school. Businesses are not set up they way they should be. Companies that are collections of individuals rather then an executive team.
You're getting what you always wanted, a chance to lead people, to do what you want.
The challenge with this idea is that way too many brands don't really have a place in a "movement." My daughter really, really loves mac & cheese, but she's not going to join the mac & cheese movement. So while I think the movement idea is a good one (I wrote about it several years back), I'm not sure that it's really helpful to the vast majority of brands out there. How do everyday brands become a movement?