Where are we heading:
Everything's going personal. Go away from big, large-screen screens and going to more, smaller screens. When his daughter watches TV shows with her friends, they all watch on their computers and talk to each other. With iPad, it has become very portable, you carry it room to room.
We're going to figure out SM. It's going to get a little more personal, a little more private and we'll use it more effectively.
We'll figure out the business model. TV everywhere is not going to happen. Just because you pay for content on cable at home, doesn't mean you should get it free on other screens.
Commerce. Need to figure out how to make commerce work on mobile for consumer adoption.
Partners are blurring. All of MLB's major partners are also their major competitors.
What we need to work on:
Need to get measurement right. Who ever decided that online we should count unique viewers vs, total viewers is just wrong. Actually, he said they should be shot.
Ad sales. The idea that we needed the same size for all ads and create standardized ad sizes was wrong. We should let creativity drive ad size.
Video quality. It need to be the same as TV, uniform and consistent
Paid content. As more and more sites go to paid content, it may not be sustainable to have an a la carte system. Not sure that the metered approach works either. How we effectively charge for quality content that's fair to content owner, the pipeline and the consumer will be a great discussion over the next two years.