Mission: IndieCade supports independent game development and organizes a series of international events showcasing the future of independent games. It encourages, publicizes, and cultivates innovation and artistry in interactive media, helping to create a public perception of games as rich, diverse, artistic, and culturally significant. IndieCade's events and related production and publication programs are designed to bring visibility to and facilitate the production of new works within the emerging independent game movement. Like the independent videogame developer community itself, IndieCade's focus is global and includes producers in Asia, Latin America, Europe, Australia, and anywhere else independent games are made and played. IndieCade was formed by Creative Media Collaborative, an alliance of industry producers and leaders founded in 2005.What is IndieCade?
- The premiere gatherings for independent gamemakers from around the globe
- Global crossroads for trend-setting game fans who will be the first to see and play new offerings from the independent game community
- A vital marketplace of ideas and projects
- A place to meet collaborators, as well as investors
- A preview of top games by the important innovators working outside the mainstream game industry
- The catalyst for an overdue creative renewal in the game industry.
Independent gamemakers, like their counterparts in film, build games that take tremendous passion, the inspiration of innumerable collaborators, and very often a life savings to complete and distribute. Like independent filmmakers, they compete for publicity, support, and distribution against established producers and productions with budgets measured in the millions. But when it comes time to find an audience, the parallel ends.
An independent work that breaks through can have a powerful creative impact on its industry. But the rapidly maturing game industry, unlike cinema, has no comprehensive, public venue to introduce, explore, and celebrate groundbreaking independent work. Worthy independent games, prospective funders, and players looking for new experiences rarely find one another.
Imagine a series of global showcases and festivals serving developers as well as the general public – collectively forming an international marketplace and a traveling celebration of this community’s new voices and their trailblazing work. Imagine thousands of independent creators, developers, thinkers, players, and fans from across the world, sharing this sense of community and the work at its heart with the rest of the world. That’s IndieCade.